The Oprah Winfrey Network launched at a time in my life when I was searching for genuine inner peace.
Life had become very confusing and I longed to have my heart filled with unconditionl love, peace, joy and happiness. I was reading many quotes as I was seeking answers on how to attain what my heart and soul yearned for.
Then, Oprah's network came into my life! I knew God heard my prayers and delivered a gift to me in Super Soul Sunday! This is where I have been introduced to many spiritual leaders. The first teachers made known to me were Dr. Wayne Dyer and Rev. Ed Bacon. They both have been influencial on my journey, along with many others.
I would record EVERY spiritual show that Oprah had and I watched each one of them with paper and pen in hand. I could feel the heaviness in my heart being lifted as I felt an infusion of hope flow through me. I took a lot of notes as everything seemed to speak to me!
Through my transformation here is some of what I have come to know. Be present, be in the moment. When you make the choice to allow your heart to be filled with gratitude, being truly thankful for where you are right now, you begin to experience what inner peace feels like.
With Oprah's network as one source where I have obtained invaluable insight from, I've learned that everything is about choice and feeling. They are completely connected. When your heart is filled with gratitude, you are able to give thanks for everything that happens in your life and able to perceive it as an opportunity to grow closer to God. It's my belief that the Divine is the source of all things. When this happens a shift begins to occur from within. I believe this is why happiness is found from the inside out.
My personal experience in reconnecting to God was when I began to understand that it was quite possible the reason that I had endured this type of hopelessness was to bring me back into alignment with my source. I had to undergo the break down in order to unite in an intimate relationship with God as I emerged in the break through. Today, I choose to take the path of least resistance with the intention to live in balance with God. In doing so I find that my life is a gentle ebb and flow, filled with inner peace. Thank you Oprah for the vision of the OWN network and for placing your intention on bringing it to fruition.
God is love and Oprah's Super Soul Sunday exudes love! I also look forward to SoulPancake each week as it's awesome! If you are looking for a way to connect with God and grow in your faith, Oprah's Super Soul Sunday is definitely an avenue in which you will receive your very own spiritual transformation to living your life with intention and purpose.
With much love,
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